Services Provided

Therapy/Counseling Services
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Oppositional Behavior
Anger Management
Regulation Issues (eating, sleeping, toileting)

Psychoeducational Assessments
Comprehensive assessments covering cognitive, academic, neuropsychological (including attention), and social/emotional functioning. Provides a profile through which academic and behavioral interventions may be implemented.

Ongoing Social Skills Groups
Groups constituted of similar age and needs. Individuals who struggle with social skills such as initiating/sustaining conversations, listening to others, and cooperating within a group setting. These groups often consist of individuals diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum and therefore provide much needed social interactions in a relaxed setting.

Parenting and Family Support
Consultations with parents and other family members to devise behavioral plans and to problem-solve challenging behaviors exhibited by the client. Recommendations are made and strategies are suggested with follow-ups to monitor progress.

School/Community Liaison Services
Help and guidance in how to proceed in navigating through school systems as well as job settings, preschools, etc. Helping others in these settings understand the client, so they may work to promote growth and offer support as the client meets their goals.